Docker 指令筆記

由於此網站是由docker建立的,在過程中也學習到很多docker command,但由於指令太多,且很多時候需要搭配一些範例才比較容易了解,因此寫下此篇文章作為紀錄。


  • docker ps list running containers.
  • docker ps -a list all container including stopped container
  • docker pull download a image from Docker Hub registry. Link to the docker image is always shown on the right at dockerhub.
  • docker build is used to build your own container based on a Dockerfile. Common use is docker build . to build a container based on the Dockerfile in the current directory (the dot). docker build -t "myimage:latest" . creates a container and stores the image under the given name
  • docker images or docker image ls shows all local storage images
  • docker run Run a docker container based on an image, i. e. docker run myimage -it bash. If no local image can be found docker run automatically tries to download the image from Docker hub.
  • docker logs display the logs of a container, you specified. To continue showing log updates just use docker logs -f mycontainer
  • docker volume ls lists the volumes, which are commonly used for persisting data of Docker containers.
  • docker network ls list all networks available for docker container
  • docker network connect adds the container to the given container network. That enables container communication by simple container name instead of IP.
  • docker rm removes one or more containers. docker rm mycontainer, but make sure the container is not running
  • docker rmi removes one or more images. docker rmi myimage, but make sure no running container is based on that image
  • docker stop stops one or more containers. docker stop mycontainer stops one container, while docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) stops all running containers.
  • docker start starts a stopped container using the last state
    docker update --restart=no updates container policies, that is especially helpful when your container is stuck in a crash loop.
  • docker cp to copy files from a running container to the host or the way around. docker cp :/etc/file . to copy /etc/file to your current directory.